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Gwinnett Medical Center

Redefining the Colorectal Cancer Patient

When you’re in your 20s, your biggest concerns should be what classes you plan to take during the spring semester of college, which awesome apartment you want to live in, or maybe whether or not you should ask your longtime crush on a date, etc.—not colorectal cancer.

Here’s Exactly What To Do Now To Prevent Heart Disease Later

Heart disease has developed quite the reputation, but not for anything good. of course. When you think of heart disease, what comes to mind? That it’s the number one killer of both men and women, or maybe that it’s something that you only have to worry about when you’re older.

No Thermometer, No Problem: 6 ways to tell if you have a fever

If you remember one thing about the month of December, remember this: it’s a marathon, not a sprint. The holly-jolly festivities have already begun (and it’s only the first week), including everything from gift shopping, and menu planning to attending family gatherings and festive office parties, and the fun won’t stop until the New Year. While all of this holiday cheer is what makes this time of year so special, nothing drains your energy faster.

Why Is Juuling All The Rage Right Now?

Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Let’s start with the good news: the number of adults smoking cigarettes continues to steadily decrease—currently only 15.5% of U.S. adults. Thanks to increased awareness and ongoing publicity surrounding traditional cigarettes, more and more adults recognize all of the harmful effects of smoking.

The 4 Back-To-School Tips You Didn’t Know You Needed

Phew! It’s August, finally. The sweet spot of the year where the fun of summer starts winding down and anticipation for fall starts to build. However, if you’re a parent, August means something else entirely. It marks the beginning of the back-to-school rush.