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Nadine Rouphael, MD | Emory Vaccine Center

Superbugs are in Georgia. Here’s how to combat them

As an infectious disease doctor at Emory University, the COVID-19 pandemic has commanded much of my attention the past two years. But that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about the threat that is rapidly becoming the next global health crisis: superbugs.

Dr. Demir Baykal, Cardiologist

What is Heart Failure?

Heart failure, a major public health problem, is a constellation of signs and symptoms originating from structural and functional abnormalities of the heart. It leads to a generalized maladaptive chronic inflammatory stress reaction in the body. It can be caused by common conditions such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis (plaque build-up in arteries) or exogenous factors such as viruses, alcohol, toxins. It can also be hereditary.

back pain

Is It Just Back Pain Or Something More?

At this very moment, it is estimated that nearly 31 million Americans are experiencing back pain of some kind. Whether it’s stiffness after a bad night’s sleep, or pulling a muscle after weekend activities, you’ve likely dealt with the annoyance of back pain at some point. 



 Diabetes is one of the country’s fastest growing epidemics.  According to the CDC, 29 million Americans are affected with diabetes and 86 million are living with prediabetes.  Unfortunately, 90 percent of persons with prediabetes are unaware of their diagnosis. The good news you may ask?  Both conditions can be effectively managed with lifestyle changes.

Ruben Diaz MD

What is a Physiatrist?

Physiatrists, or rehabilitation physicians, are spine, joint, nerve, muscle, and bone experts who treat injuries or illnesses that affect how you move and function.