Katie Hart Smith

Katie Hart Smith

Inexplicable Love

Love is inexplicable. How do you put into words how you feel about the love of your life? How do you describe how a person can affect your heart? How do you measure and equate the depth and breadth of such feelings? How do we teach our children about love?

Whether to Weather Life’s Storms

As I glanced outside the office window that overlooks the garden in the backyard, I watched the tropical storm rains pelt the panes of glass while the winds ripped through the trees, tearing leaves from the branches. The trees swayed and swirled in circles, clock-wise then counter-clock-wise, as the winds quickly changed direction. Overhead, loud thuds and thumps made me step backward; realizing branches were breaking and striking the roof.

Katie Hart Smith


(Swept is a reverse poem. What is a reverse poem? These poems mean one thing when read from top to bottom, but the meaning or sentiment changes when you read each line in reverse order, last line to first.)

Katie Hart Smith

A Walk in the Garden

As a whippoorwill calls out from one of the nearly century-old pine trees in the backyard, I smile, take pause, sip my tall cup of coffee – strong and black, no sugar – and continue my walk in the garden and a talk with God.

Katie Hart Smith

“Yes, ma’am!” I just love your accent. You must be from the South

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” ~ Proverbs 18:21.
My husband, Jeff, and I visited my parents in New Hope, Pennsylvania last month. Early one Saturday morning, we went shopping with Mom. During our transaction with the sales clerk, Mom asked me a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question. I responded, “Yes, ma’am.”

Katie Hart Smith

“Attention! Attention! May I please have your attention?”

When you hear those words while walking through the bustling and noisy airport, grocery or department store, or while at school, do you find yourself automatically stopping what you’re doing at that moment and look up at the intercom? As the crowd calms, perhaps, we shush others around us who are talking. We pause, patiently waiting and listening for the next set of instructions or call to action while glancing up at the ceiling.

Katie Hart Smith

Come Home to Me

At 3:59pm on Tuesday, June 12, 2017, my husband, Jeff – a captain at the Lawrenceville Police Department – called the house. Sirens wail in the background.

Katie Hart Smith & Carole Townsend

Congratulations Carole Townsend and Katie Hart Smith!

Katie Hart Smith & Carole Townsend

(L-R) Authors Katie Hart Smith and Carole Townsend

Congratulations Carole Townsend and Katie Hart Smith!

The 53rd Georgia Author of the Year Awards (books published in 2016) was held on June 3, 2017. Local authors Carole Townsend and Katie Hart Smith were recognized for their talent and craft.