Law Enforcement Agencies Assisting in the Development of Students

One of the young men participating in her career readiness classes with Rockdale Juvenile Court was shot with two of his friends after the trio had attempted burglary at 4 a.m. in Rockdale county. Karen can’t help but wonder if there had been some type of recreational center or organization that was available would these young men still be alive?

The LEAADS Centers shines light for local youth

The LEAADS Centers, formerly (Law Enforcement Agencies Assisting in the Development of Students) has been providing mentorship, career readiness services for youth in alternative schools and court systems throughout Georgia since 2004. In all that time, the program has expanded —  LEAADS hosts one of the largest summer camps in the city limits — and its mission has morphed to meet the community’s growing needs.

Dave Emanuel | Cut To The Chase

Student Development “LEAADS” to Success

Karen Foote had had enough. Fourteen years in law enforcement had brought her face to face with the devastation children face when a parent is taken to jail. And she had also found that the reason one parent or both parents were absent didn’t matter; children living in single parent or no parent households all too often don’t have the direction and support they need to be successful in school- and in life.