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Legacy State Bank

Bill Walker, EVP

Find Your Voice: Vote for your Legacy.

Rights. Responsibilities. Privileges. These are all words that we hear around election time, encouraging us all to go out and vote our hearts and conscience when it comes time to pick local and national leaders, or to decide what laws are important in our expanding communities.

Our children ARE our legacy

Our children ARE our legacy

We take care of our children’s needs from the time they are born.  We feed them, clothe them, and we teach and guide them. 

Bill Walker

Does YOUR bank really know you?

Relationships are everything in our lives: From our families, to our friends, to the people who care for our children or repair our car.  We know them, and over time we build trust and rapport with them. 

We shop local, why not BANK local?

In a world where our cars are made overseas, our groceries come from every country in the world, and “Customer Service” for many of our needs is manned by employees all over the globe, sometimes it’s nice to find companies who work in the very communities in which we live.

Legacy State Bank – Local mortgages with a personal touch

Legacy State Bank, located in Loganville, GA has taken a personal approach to the business of mortgage lending. While thousands of possibilities are offered with flashy websites on the internet, Legacy has brought the solid performance of a proven loan officer back into the process of mortgage loans.