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Life Insurance

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green 2022: How Much Do Your Heirs Know About Your Estate?

A report showed 40% of parents surveyed had never discussed their estate intentions with their heirs (BMO Wealth Institute). My experience shows this number may actually be much higher. You may hesitate to discuss death or incapacity for many reasons. Heirs may be reluctant to broach the subject for fear of appearing greedy.

Life Insurance Is Necessary for the Stay-At-Home Spouse Too

There is a serious misconception about not buying life insurance for a stay-at-home spouse that is all too common. Many people feel that because a spouse doesn’t work outside the home, life insurance is not necessary because there’s no salary to replace. 

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green: Protecting those we love

In recent months we’ve been focusing on intergenerational planning and estate planning. Life insurance can be an important part of such planning and can play a critical role in a successful financial strategy. It protects from financial loss in the untimely death of an income earner, caretaker, or even a business owner or key employee.

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green: Who will get my money when I die?

The best way to make sure assets go to the right people is to list them as beneficiaries. By law, the beneficiaries designated for an account or policy will receive the assets in that account or payable under that policy upon your death.

These Moore

Life Insurance myths

Too many people are taking an unnecessary risk by not protecting their loved ones with life insurance.  While the Thele Moore Agency offers auto, home and business products; life insurance is the most rewarding product.  It offers us the opportunity to secure the future of our customers.

Here are a few myths about life insurance from Life Happens the July 15, 2015 article written by Robyn Parets for Nerdwallet.

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

You can’t take it with you!

As the saying goes, the only two certainties in life are death and taxes.  Unfortunately, both are inevitable and unavoidable. If you plan properly, however, you may lessen the hardship on those you leave behind.   Since none of us know when our time will arrive–whether you are 35, 55, or 95 it is important you leave instructions. 

By Jamey Toney, ChFC® Country Financial

September is life insurance awareness month

Do you know if your family would have the financial resources to maintain their standard of living if something happened to you?  According to the Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association, approximately 56 percent of Americans lack individual life insurance coverage and 30 percent have no life insurance protection whatsoever.