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Our children ARE our legacy

Our children ARE our legacy

We take care of our children’s needs from the time they are born.  We feed them, clothe them, and we teach and guide them. 

Bill Walker

Does YOUR bank really know you?

Relationships are everything in our lives: From our families, to our friends, to the people who care for our children or repair our car.  We know them, and over time we build trust and rapport with them. 

Pamendis Italian Grill marries Italian and Greek foods brilliantly

Pamendis Italian Grill marries Italian and Greek foods brilliantly

Loganville – When cities like Chicago and New York come to mind, the city of Loganville is not one that seems to be appropriate in such company. But, a group of friends – immigrants, no less – was determined to change that perception when they opened their bold and brave new restaurant, Pamendis.