“Home of the Bears” is a charming nickname for Mountain View High School but it became more than a little ironic,
“Home of the Bears” is a charming nickname for Mountain View High School but it became more than a little ironic,
I always feel that the things that “go wrong” make the most vivid memories, and if they’re not too bad, the best memories.
Now that my first batch of grandchildren is embracing the first stirrings of Patriotism, I very recently wrote, directed and produced a 3 act play that lasted under 10 minutes, even counting the 2nd act musical number from”Little Mermaid.” I had standards:
My regular visits to Our Gwinnett County School clients leaves me amazed at the level of cleanliness in our schools. Grayson High School, my “home school” is a stellar example. However during our recent time there, the unthinkable happened: no air condition in July. While the county staff scrambled to repair, I thought about ancient times when there was poor air conditioning and cell phones were really large.
107 W Crogan St, Lawrenceville Ga 30046 | (770) 963-3699