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Norcross Discovery Garden Park

Tumblefield mural in Norcross

Splash Festival grant program keeps rolling!

Splash Festivals’ Grant Program keeps rolling as several worthy groups received funding for their important proposed projects. Splash Festivals established this program in 2015 to donate a significant portion of the profits from Norcross Art Splash for the purposes of art and education within the City of Norcross.

City of Norcross to break ground on new park dedicated to sustainable life skills

City of Norcross to break ground on new park dedicated to sustainable life skills

Discovery Garden Park to serve as a nature center, community garden and neighborhood gathering space for all ages and abilities 

Norcross – Something big and green is coming to Norcross in the form of a new garden park dedicated to actively engaging people of all ages and abilities in their environment and community through programs, classes and events that develop creative and sustainable skills.