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Suzanne and Matthew Holtkamp

The Hudgens Center celebrates incredible success of partnership with Holtkamp Heating & Air, extends relationship for 2019

The Hudgens Center for Art & Learning is pleased to announce the continued results and renewal of a strategic partnership with Holtkamp Heating & Air. In addition to generously sponsoring free admission to the galleries since 2017, which has generated thousands of new visitors, the Holtkamp team also serviced all of the center’s HVAC systems and maintained 18 new smart thermostats to maximize energy efficiency.

Emory Healthcare and DeKalb Medical move to finalize strategic partnership

ATLANTA—Emory Healthcare and DeKalb Medical are close to completing their strategic partnership, initiated through a letter of intent signed in November 2017. The Federal Trade Commission has approved the partnership, and the application will now be filed with the Georgia Attorney General. Pending the Attorney General’s review and approval, the deal is anticipated to close within 100 days, and DeKalb Medical will be part of the Emory Healthcare system.