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Dave Emanuel

Service Dogs to the Rescue

For most people, a dog is the family member who is always glad to see you and wants little more than some of your time, regular meals and a decent place to sleep. But for some people, a dog is much more than a pet. For them, “man’s best friend” can mean the difference between the captivity of an institution and the freedom to live, move about, or to overcome once debilitating events.

Aysha Cooper is the owner of SarahCare of Snellville

Don’t CareGive alone!

The cost of caregiver stress can result in endless emotional distress and increased health problems.  Like most caregivers I know and meet every day, they have no rest and no time for themselves.

Stephanie Gargiulo

Month of October as Bullying Prevention Month

Stephanie Gargiulo, a native from Snellville, is honored and humbled that her proclamation request for Governor John Nathan Deal declaring the month of October as Bullying Prevention month has been approved. During the month of October, the C.B.A Foundation, I have Capabilities NOT Disabilities and other organizations will join together to raise awareness about this issue.