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Rotary Club of Lawrenceville

Leigh McIntosh

Rotary Foundation

If you have never heard of the Rotary Foundation, let me give you a little history. Created in 1917, their mission is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

Leigh McIntosh

How Rotary enhances economic and community development

Those of you living in Gwinnett for decades have had an opportunity to see sweeping changes. As a child, I remember Gwinnett County as primarily rural. On a visit to Scotland long ago, I was asked what my property in America had been before my house was there and I realized that I lived on forested land that had never been developed.

Leigh McIntosh

Promoting Education and Literacy

As schools gear up to serve record numbers of students in Gwinnett County, they can always use additional resources to stretch their limited budgets. September is the month that Rotary International has chosen to promote education and literacy.

Leigh McIntosh

Membership and Extension of Rotary

Each month Rotary focuses on a different topic. August is membership and extension month. Wondering about the definition of extension in regard to Rotary, I looked it up and discovered it is about starting new clubs. There are currently nine clubs located in Gwinnett County, one of which is less than a year old.

Craig Roberts and Richard Steele

Be The Inspiration

June is Rotary fellowship month. When I looked online to see what that means to Rotarians, I was unsure. I saw lots of ideas about existing fellowships which appear to be groups that have been formed so that Rotarians with similar hobbies can meet and pursue interest areas they are passionate about.

Leigh McIntosh

Rotarians in Action

Remember the old expression that “many hands make light work”? Since the weather has warmed up, Rotary Club of Lawrenceville has been busy in the community helping others in need.

Leigh McIntosh

Rotary Club of Lawrenceville Reflection

You can tell the Rotary year is winding down if you know the signs. Lately, we have been going over our to-do list to see what we have missed and if we have met our deadlines.

Leigh McIntosh

Rotarians Connecting Communities Through Trees

Rotarians worldwide have been charged this year with planting a tree for every member. When that is completed, there will be 1.2 million new trees planted across the globe. Rotary Club of Lawrenceville chose April 6, 2018, as the day to plant trees. Let’s look at some of the ways this helps our community.

Leigh McIntosh

How Rotary Provides Purpose in the Bleak Midwinter

As I ponder how I will put this article together, I find myself thinking about James Taylor singing about the bleak midwinter and realize we are in the midst of it. The excitement of the holidays has passed and the next holiday may be several months away for many of us. Fortunately, I have a window, but as I look out, I am staring at hardwood trees with bare branches, and through those branches, there is nothing but gray sky.