Be on ALERT for impersonator claiming to work for Gwinnett County Water Resources
Gwinnett County does not send send employees to test water inside residents’ homes.
Gwinnett County does not send send employees to test water inside residents’ homes.
The Monday following Black Friday, known as Cyber Monday, has become one of the top shopping days of the year.
Black Friday, traditionally the single busiest shopping day of the year, arrives a little earlier this year, with many stores already advertising Black Friday prices.
SEC Championship Game Tickets SOLD-OUT – Beware of Scams
Utility scams, often referred to as imposter scams, cost American consumers $2.3 billion in 2021**. It is more important than ever for customers to be vigilant and know what steps to take to prevent themselves or their families from falling victim.
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has launched a new video warning Georgians to be informed when the donate during the holiday season.
Thought we had seen the end of COVD-19 scams? Think again!
Scams to exploit money and information from consumers age 60+ are at an all-time high.
Ga. Attorney General Chris Carr is encouraging Georgians to remain vigilant and only rely on trusted sources when it comes to information concerning COVID-19.
107 W Crogan St, Lawrenceville Ga 30046 | (770) 963-3699