Brookwood’s own success – Michael Kelly
Brookwood grad Michael Kelly’s acting career surging forward
Brookwood grad Michael Kelly’s acting career surging forward
The sound of screeching tires and twisting metal fills the air as another vehicle slams into the front of your car. You’ve just been in a crash. What do you do now?
I recently went to the Snell family reunion. I always look forward to our reunion, to see who has gotten older (ha, like myself), who has gotten married and of course who has had a baby or babies! I love all of my family and I’m very proud to be a part of it.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
1pm – 7pm Briscoe Park
2500 Sawyer Pkwy.,
Snellville, GA 30078
Snellville Tourism and Trade Association |
There has been a whole lot of celebrating going on in Snellville. The City of Snellville officially became 90 years old on August 20, 2013. On August 20, 1923, a charter was signed and Snellville, Ga became an official town. Two events were held to celebrate its rich history.
More than ninety years ago, at a crossroads, a community was created. The British-born Snell and Sawyer families established homes and commerce. The late 1870’s brought the wood-built general stores built by the founding fathers that began a growing trend. Churches, doctors and eventually phone service followed.
Hey Everyone ! I left you last month with a poem that my grand-daddy wrote in 1930. I covered some of what Snellville was like during the 1930’s and now I will pick up in the 40’s and move forward.
I have been excited and nervous about this month’s article. Excited: because I was/am very anxious to learn more about ‘Our Town’, Snellville. Nervous: because I don’t want (or didn’t want) to get the dates wrong! I could only imagine the phone calls or FB messages I would get, correcting me. LOL So I decided I would get the decade(s) right and maybe even a year or two.
The City of Snellville, Mayor Kelly D. Kautz and the Snellville Art Jurors are proud to announce artist Raphael Sagage as the next visual artist exhibiting artwork at City Hall as a continuation of the Art on the Wall at City Hall program. The public is invited to view original works of art by Raphael Sagage during the months of June and July in the community room at city hall during normal business hours.
107 W Crogan St, Lawrenceville Ga 30046 | (770) 963-3699