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Mayor teaches Britt students about local government

SNELLVILLE – On Wednesday, Britt Elementary School third graders gathered in the media center for a lesson on the jobs and branches of local government from a local expert – Snellville Mayor Kelly Kautz.  

Stephanie Gargiulo

Month of October as Bullying Prevention Month

Stephanie Gargiulo, a native from Snellville, is honored and humbled that her proclamation request for Governor John Nathan Deal declaring the month of October as Bullying Prevention month has been approved. During the month of October, the C.B.A Foundation, I have Capabilities NOT Disabilities and other organizations will join together to raise awareness about this issue.  

Kevin, Cindy, Olivia and Beau Anderson

Local Veteran transitions from the battlefield to backyard bird feeding

Snellville – There are two things Kevin Anderson knows about: the conflict in the middle-east and birds.  For the past several years Kevin has been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan as an Officer in the United States Navy Reserve, and as a Senior Advisor for the Department of State, and Department of the Army.

Snellville police to take on ‘ALS Ice Bucket Challenge’

The city’s police department ready for a challenge. Snellville Police Department officers will take part in the “Ice Bucket Challenge,” the social media sensation that raises money for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s Disease.