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Shhhh. Don’t touch me. That itches. Do you smell that?—Sensory Processing Disorder.

Everyday Matters because Every Day Matters
This story is one that is close to my heart, supported with much research, and extremely personal. While I am not a doctor, I have lived the journey of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in the most intimate way when our son, Charlie (our only and miracle child) was diagnosed in Kindergarten. As an educator (and nerd), I research everything. Being informed in doctor’s appointments so that we are a team is key to me. I have been asked to share my knowledge at various events, with parent groups, and even with schools.

Snellville police to take on ‘ALS Ice Bucket Challenge’

The city’s police department ready for a challenge. Snellville Police Department officers will take part in the “Ice Bucket Challenge,” the social media sensation that raises money for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s Disease.