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Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green 2023: Investment Year-End Tax Planning

As we end one year and begin another, there are things you need to think about doing to maximize your retirement assets, gain any available tax benefit, and/or avoid any tax penalty that may be linked to your investments.

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green 2021: Investment Year-End Tax Planning

As we end one year and begin another, there are things you need to think about doing to maximize your retirement assets, gain any available tax benefit, and/or avoid any tax penalty that may be linked to your investments.

For retirement: start early, contribute often

For retirement: start early, contribute often

Planning for life after retirement can be an exciting thought, especially when you have big dreams in mind. However, nothing can dampen those retirement plans more than not having the funds to make your dreams come true.

Doris Jones, Liberty Tax Snellville

–From the Tax Lounge archives

It’s rumored that the average lifespan of a New Year’s resolution is two months – HA! Try two glasses of wine for some of us. Anyhow, for those of you who resolved to get organized this year, here is the hope that it will pay off. Better yet, here is a tip to help it pay off at tax time: Create a tax binder.