Tim Daly

Tim Daly

Native plants are a great choice for the home landscape

The state of Georgia is one of the most botanically diverse states. Close to 3,000 species of plants are native to Georgia, ranging from small wildflowers to large trees. These plants have many advantages and tend to be more resistant to environmental extremes and pests. If planted in the proper site and given minimal care, they will flourish and beautify the home landscape.

Raised beds offer a multitude of advantages.

Using raised beds has many advantages

Do you want to grow vegetables but have limited space? Does your soil consist of hard clay or drains poorly? Consider using raised beds that are elevated planting areas on top of the native soil. They require minimal space, are easy to construct and maintain and have many benefits. Vegetables grown in raised beds tend to have higher yields, are easier to provide care, and use less space than traditional in ground gardens.

Crape myrtles thrive in the summer landscape

One of the most popular summer-flowering woody plants are the crape myrtles. They bloom profusely throughout the summer months and have minimal maintenance requirements once established.

Several landscape plants tolerate wet sites

Many homeowners frequently encounter areas in their landscapes that have poor drainage and are continuously wet. The excessive rain over the past year has increased the severity of this problem.

English Ivy Cover

Several common landscape plants have invasive characteristics

In our landscapes, many of the plants are not native to the United States. They were brought here from other parts of the world for a variety of reasons. Although most are not troublesome, some of these plants have the potential to overtake native ecosystems.

Tim Daly

Mosquitoes are annoying

They interfere with outdoor activities and can also be vectors for several diseases. Malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever are problems in other parts of the world. In our area, West Nile virus and encephalitis are troublesome although only a small number of individuals are affected each year. Mosquitoes cannot be totally eliminated from the property, but their populations can be reduced to where they are not as bothersome.

Many homeowners have lawns being overtaken by moss.

Controlling moss in lawns

Many homeowners have lawns being overtaken by moss. Its presence indicates the cultural conditions of the lawn are not appropriate for the growth of a healthy strand of grass. If your lawn has areas with moss, carefully evaluate the site conditions and your turf care practices.