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Tracey Wells

How To Shop For Homeowners Insurance

Most people simply select a policy for homeowner’s insurance quickly when they are in the process of buying a home. With everything else that is going on at the time, homeowner’s insurance seems like just one more thing to sign off on and move on. Plenty of errors can slip through the cracks if you don’t take your time when shopping for homeowner’s insurance.

Life Insurance Is Necessary for the Stay-At-Home Spouse Too

There is a serious misconception about not buying life insurance for a stay-at-home spouse that is all too common. Many people feel that because a spouse doesn’t work outside the home, life insurance is not necessary because there’s no salary to replace. 

Tracey L. Wells | Your Local Farmers Agent

Sewer and back up

Yuck! You just came home to about two to three inches of bilge on your floor. It smells horrible and what do you do? Is it automatically covered by your homeowners policy?

Tracey Wells | Farmers Insurance

Going cheap on your auto policy can cost you everything

Everyone wants to save a buck on their auto insurance, we get it, you don’t want to overpay. If you are a homeowner and you go cheap on auto insurance coverage; your home, equity and other assets are on the table.

Should Contractors have insurance?

Now that the temperature has dropped it is traditionally a great time to get major home improvement projects done. Many times, the contractors are eager to give you deals because they need the work during this slow time.

Loss Assessment Coverage

What is loss assessment coverage? It is one of the most overlooked coverages on a condo/townhouse policy (also available for regular homeowners policies).