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Tracey Wells

Let’s Talk About Floods

What is a flood and do you need insurance coverage for it? It is an inundation of tidal waters or overflows over normally dry land areas.

Tracey Wells

Tips to keep your auto insurance rates as low as possible

As you open your auto insurance renewal notices you are seeing higher rates than ever in Georgia. There are many factors causing these increases but I’m going to give you some tips on keeping your rates as low as possible. There are factors that are impacting each auto insurance policy and insurance quote you receive when shopping for quotes.

Tracey Wells

Should I get the insurance offer at the car rental office?

Should you buy the insurance offered by the rental car companies? Whenever you rent a vehicle you know the drill, they ask you if you want their insurance coverage. They ask you when you reserve the vehicle online and as soon as you pick up the vehicle. Sometimes it feels like they are trying to pressure you into the purchase.

Tracey Wells

Homeowners Claims

Did your home take a storm hit or get some water damage? Before you pick up the phone to call in a claim, wait! Daily we receive home-owners insurance quote requests, and it never fails that some of these quote requests have prior claims. Notice, I said claims, being plural.