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winter season

Many types of hollies thrive in the landscape

Many types of hollies thrive in the landscape

Our climates allow for many interesting and attractive plants to be part of our home landscapes. Perhaps no one is more durable or comes in as many shapes and sizes as the holly. More than 300 recognized varieties exist, with more being introduced each year.

By Jamey Toney, ChFC® Country Financial

Use caution this winter when using space heaters

With home heating costs on the rise this winter, many people are turning to alternate heating sources to keep costs down. If you plan to use space heaters this winter, use extreme caution.

Charlotte Nash, Chairman Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners

Giving back at the Holidays

Growing up on a farm, late fall was always a time of mixed emotions for me. Shorter days and colder weather kept us all indoors more but at least we could look ahead to the holidays with great anticipation.