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Your Green 2019

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green: What Women Need to Know About Retirement

A report released in March 2016 by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) finds that across all age groups women have substantially less income in retirement than men. By age 65, 80% of women are more likely than men to live in poverty. Women age 75 to 79 were three times more likely to fall below the poverty level than men.

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green: Inflation and Your Retirement

Inflation is something frequently overlooked in retirement planning. Inflation can be defined as an overall upward price movement of goods and services in our economy as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and it is what makes most things cost more today than they did in prior years.

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green: How Can I Afford College?

Are you high school student wondering how you will one day pay for your college education? Or perhaps you are a parent who isn’t sure how to help their child get a college education?

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green: Protecting those we love

In recent months we’ve been focusing on intergenerational planning and estate planning. Life insurance can be an important part of such planning and can play a critical role in a successful financial strategy. It protects from financial loss in the untimely death of an income earner, caretaker, or even a business owner or key employee.

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green: Who will get my money when I die?

The best way to make sure assets go to the right people is to list them as beneficiaries. By law, the beneficiaries designated for an account or policy will receive the assets in that account or payable under that policy upon your death.