Team Glenda…Grayson Elementary showing love for retired Assistant Principal Glenda Mayhue

Team Glenda...Grayson Elementary showing love for retired Assistant Principal Glenda Mayhue
By Beth Volpert Johansen

The Grayson Elementary staff and student family is very tightly-knit. When one of their own is struggling, it becomes a community effort to provide comfort and support.

Currently, the staff and students are focused on Glenda Mayhue’s battle with a brain tumor. 

IMG 8911 190According to “Glenda’s Story”, the former Assistant Principal’s retirement was to include more time with her two boys, Rob and Greg, and her six grandchildren. Mrs. Mayhue celebrated her retirement on May, 29, 2015 after 39 years in the education field. She had spent 18 of those years as Grayson Elementary’s Assistant Principal. On June 9th, she was admitted to Eastside where a tumor was discovered and biopsied. The biopsy revealed a Grade IV Glioblastoma. She was transferred to Emory on June 21st and then to Emory Rehabilitation Center on June 25th. Chemotherapy and radiation began on July 6th. IMG 8915 190

According to the staff at Grayson ES, Mrs. Mayhue continues to amaze everyone with her strength and determination to beat her illness. To support her, the staff and student families have created “Team Glenda” for the purpose of raising funds to honor their friend and retired educator. “We will purchase two permanent swings,” says Laura Moon of GES. “One will be placed in the Grayson City Park and the other will be here at Grayson Elementary.” 

IMG 8917 190Among several efforts to collect the funds was a Big Daddy Que BBQ fundraiser at the Grayson City Park’s weekly Farmers’ Market and Grayson Elementary on Wednesday, September 3rd. “We are pleased that our Farmers’ Market has become a place where our community connects with one another and a place where we can assist our neighbors with needs,” says Gail Lane, City of Grayson Community Development Director. In addition to the proceeds from Big Daddy Que sales, the Grayson High School Drumline raised more than $100 in tips for Team Glenda by providing the unmistakable sounds of Friday Night Lights-Grayson Style at the Farmers’ Market. “Many of our band members remember Mrs. Mayhue from their days at Grayson Elementary,” says Robert Barnes, GES Band Director. “This is their way of giving back.”IMG 8928 190 

The staff has also raised funds a quarter and a dollar at a time with “Quarter Drives” and jeans days which have helped to maintain high spirits among the staff and students who adore Mrs. Mayhue. “Glenda Mayhue has been a rock in the Grayson community for many years,” says GES Principal, Chris Brown. “The outpouring of love and support is a tribute to her Legacy!”

IMG 8916 190 IMG 8918 190Smiles were certainly part of the uniform at the BBQ fundraiser. Former staff members and students showed up in a steady stream to pick up pre-orders and have a few hugs all around. Mrs. Mayhue was unable to attend, but the effects of the love she shared with the school was evident by the turnout. “She has always been such a giving person,” says Laura Moon (GES). “We are overwhelmed by all the people who want to help.”


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