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The 70’s were great!

Reflecting on family and home - 70’s in Snellville
By Mandy Snell Harris

Before I get started on the ‘rest’ of the 70’s, I would like to apologize to my cousins Burton Slade and Curtis Jones for not listing them in 1970 graduates. My oversight :)

The 70’s were a special decade, especially for those of us who were born in the 60’s. (just my personal opinion, haha). However..... WOW!!

Mandy Snell

Middle school, which is a definite ground moving experience, where you are introduced to boys (girls), roller skating on Saturday nights, ‘the movie’ theatre on Friday nights. And we didn’t care what was playing. Going to South’s football games in the Fall, which ‘kinda’ prepared us for high school. Then the make-up…, I can remember hiding it in my pocketbook to put “more” on when I got to school.  Without taking into consideration that Mrs. Williams would tell you, without beating around the bush, “Get yourself in that restroom and wash that stuff off!” She never told on me though, I guess cause she knew my cousin Partee would. LOL. 

My teachers in middle school were Mrs. Sassnet, McCullers, Partee, Williams, Chambers, Loomis, Mullins, Wilson, Porter & Cochran. The P.E. coaches were Mrs. Roy, Ms. Perry and Coach Ezell. Mrs. McGill was Home Economics and Mr. Smith was industrial arts.

Then there was Snellville Middle School basketball… they were crowned champions in 1977 and were the first runner up in 1978. We could ‘rock’ any and all gyms and our bus with, “We will, we will STOMP you !” haha, but we couldn’t pull off singing “We are the Champions.” Coach Mullins was a great coach and Partee was right by his side or on the clock every game. 

I(we) entered into high school in September 1978, thought it was going to be a culture shock, but it was a very smooth transition. I didn’t get my license until January 1980, thank goodness for Diane Kokinos, Johnna Wayne and Devrin Huntzinger. They would ‘haul’ me around to all the fun events, and Teresa Mason took me to the baseball games. (yep, I had a crush on a baseball player…shhh).

I was the manager for the 9th grade basketball team as was Darcy Donaldson, dear friend then and now. We would stay after school for practice and then we would walk to my house. Most of you know where I lived and know it was very close. How we got in trouble just walking home….I’ll never know!!!??

I was getting very settled into high school life, and this is when I met one of my very best friends Joy Clack (Harvey). We were pretty much inseparable for a long time. She came to South from Shamrock in 79, beginning of our sophomore year. By now, I was really settled into ‘the south life style’. I liked homecoming, I liked changing classes, hanging out with all my friends in the parking lot and passing notes.

Little did I know that after I could drive….. Ha, Whole Nother World!!! I’ll get to that part later! lol. Also, in 1975, Chad Alan Moon was born, my first nephew and then in 1978 Christie Lorraine Moon came along, first niece. Loved these babies, still do! Many more to follow. 
The eighties are next….. Woo-Hoo!!!

Mandy Snell is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about growing up in Snellville and its history. Have any 1970 stories to share from Snellville? Comment below!
