The Blessing Scheduled For Lawrenceville Lawn

The Outside the Box (OTB) Ministries is coming back to Gwinnett County Saturday, June 25 in an effort “to provide an opportunity in a setting not restricted by four walls to reach a large audience who don’t know Jesus Christ,” according to Daniel Flagg, group founder and event organizer.

The first three photos show some of the crowds from the One Nation Under God March at the Snellville Town Green in 2019. The last photo was taken at the One Nation Under God March in Lawrenceville. (Photos submitted courtesy of Outside the Box Ministries).

“This event, called The Blessing – Lawrenceville, provides an opportunity to minister to those who typically would not step inside a church,” Flagg said.  “That is the great thing about OTB Ministries. While we have a core group of Christians that join and support us, we also can reach those outside the church by venturing into the public on the streets of Lawrenceville and soon Atlanta.” 

The event will include a 30-minute Prayer March beginning at the Lawrenceville Lawn, 210 Luckie Street, Lawrenceville, Ga. 30046. It will be held from 9 to 11:30 a.m. rain or shine. Speakers will include Flagg, Clyde Strickland, Pastor Batubenge, Pastor Stephen Hartley, Oscar Lopez, and Hana Hudson. Christian music will be provided by a Live Praise Worship Band and Choir.

OTB Ministries was started as a Georgia non-profit corporation in August of 2020, after Flagg had worked beginning in 2017 to organize a group of “prayer warriors” to pray on the streets of Atlanta. This vision was expanded to do more than just pray with the formation of OTB Ministries.

“We continued praying around Atlanta and had our first event in Gwinnett County in January of 2019 with the “One Nation Under God” March in Lawrenceville,” Flagg said.  “It was well-received with about 300 attending.”  He and his friend, Clyde Strickland, organized this event.

otb blessing june25

Next the group held a “One Nation Under God” March in March 2019 on the Snellville Town Green, the first gathering in which a worship band performed.  Prayer stations were set up at this event.

‘While it was very cold that spring morning, the audience enjoyed the worship and many asked to be prayed over at one of the stations,” he added.  “We marched through downtown Snellville as drivers signified their approval by honking their car horns or giving us thumbs up or waving.”

Flagg said he wanted to do a prayer march from the Atlanta State Capital in 2020 but couldn’t due to assembly restrictions the City of Atlanta had implemented. 

Snellville Event 2

Snellville Event 3

In January 2022, the organization began soliciting donations to organize two outdoor events for the year.  The first one would be The Blessing – Lawrenceville, and the second The Blessing – Atlanta, scheduled for August 27.  Both are multi-faceted events that combine worship, prayer, and street marches.

“We would like to invite people in the greater Atlanta area, especially within Gwinnett County, who are passionate about prayer, worship and spreading the “Good News” of Jesus Christ to join us at the Lawrenceville Lawn,” Flagg said. 

“There will be speakers that will proclaim blessings for various sectors of our community and an opportunity for individuals as they are moved to accept Jesus as their personal Savior during the event,” he said. 

In 2019, at their first prayer march in Lawrenceville, there wasn’t an elevated stage complete with roof at the Lawrenceville Lawn, and there weren’t numerous adjoining apartments and townhouses surrounding the event area, becoming a focal point for crowds walking and driving to the downtown section, so Flagg said he’s very optimistic about a good turnout.

Lawrenceville Event

“Certainly, we would like to surpass the attendance numbers from the event held previously in the county seat, and I feel God’s hand strongly at work as we see different groups wanting to join and come together in the name of Jesus,” Flagg said.

Flagg said that while OTB Ministries was founded in 2020, the group is really in its first year due to previous restrictions on outdoor gatherings. This is the first time with a budget and donations arriving to support activities in the Metro Atlanta area. 

“We hope to expand beyond Atlanta and Georgia as support for our initiatives grows that will enable us to evolve into a nationwide ministry,” he said.

Recently WATC, TV 57, the Christian television station in Atlanta, asked to interview Flagg on June 20. This interview will be taped, and an edited portion will be broadcast at a later date. 

Most of the team of volunteers needed to staff a large event like this are in place, according to Flagg, but if there are others who want to participate, their support would be welcomed.

More information can be found through its website, By subscribing to the newsletter or e-mailing Flagg at, individuals can assist in outreach or registering their plans to attend. Click on “events” for a registration icon to get a ticket, but the event is free to everyone.
