The Button Gwinnett Chapter SAR Knows the Best Kept Secrets of the DAR

It's no secret that the Button Gwinnett Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) and the Philadelphia Winn Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) regularly collaborate.  Their mutual goals of preserving American history and promoting education have strengthened their bonds of friendship and cooperation.

From left to right:  John Goodwin, First Vice President, Button Gwinnett Chapter SAR; Ann Story, First Vice Regent, Philadelphia Winn Chapter DAR; and Kitty Watters, Regent, Philadelphia Winn Chapter DAR.

What has been kept secret for too long is that the Daughters of the American Revolution do much more than sip tea and trace their lineage to a Patriot!  From their founding, the organization has been focused on service to America.

The SAR is a historical, educational, and patriotic non-profit corporation that seeks to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, an appreciation for true patriotism, a respect for our national symbols, the value of American citizenship, and the importance of assimilation from the people of many nations, to one nation and one people.

They preserve the stories of patriotism, courage, sacrifice, tragedy, and triumph of the men who achieved the independence of the American people in the belief that these stories are universal ones of man’s eternal struggle against tyranny, relevant to all time, and will inspire and strengthen each succeeding generation as it is called upon to defend our freedoms. 

Kitty Watters, Regent of the Philadelphia Winn Chapter NSDAR, and Ann Story, First Vice Regent of the Philadelphia Winn Chapter, were guest speakers at the Button Gwinnett Chapter Sons of the American Revolution on Thursday, May 11, by invitation of John Goodwin, First Vice President of the Button Gwinnett Chapter SAR.  Their presentation was entitled “The Best Kept Secrets of the DAR”.  
Mrs. Watters spoke about the founders of the DAR.  One of the founders, Miss Eugenia Washington, stated, “We want a society founded on service”. Mrs. Watters quoted Ellen Hardin Walworth, one of the four founders, who wrote in 1893, “It is not a social organization. It is an order, patriotic, historical and genealogical, and holds itself closely to these objects.” The DAR is often looked upon as purely a lineage society, and its service organization mission often goes unappreciated.  We are dedicated to preserving American History, securing America’s future through better education, and promoting Patriotism.  In 2016, our chapter members logged in nearly 6,000 hours of community service. 
Mrs. Watters and Ms. Story placed emphasis on DAR’s service goals, which include service to veterans and active duty military personnel, awarding the DAR Good Citizen Award to high school seniors who exemplify the characteristics of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism, Junior ROTC Cadet awards, and awarding the American History Award to deserving students who excel in American History.
Ms. Story told the group more DAR Secrets, stating, “This is the new world of historic preservation.  We are working to protect and digitize documents to insure preservation of our history.  We sponsor National DAR Special Projects Grants and we offer 23 national scholarships to well deserving students”. 
For more information about DAR secrets, visit the Philadelphia Winn website:
