The Gwinnett Roadrunner – On The Run November 2014

The Gwinnett Roadrunner -
On The Run November 2014
By Mary Frazier Long


Mary Frazier Long

– It is difficult to teach children the alphabet these days, they think V comes after T.
– Teaching children to count is not as important as teaching them what counts.
– Education is a funny thing. At eighteen we knew all the answers—forty years later even the questions confuse us.
– Some people are so highly educated that they can bore you on any subject.
– Education is what folks have left after they’ve forgotten most of what they learned in school.
– It is not the IQ but the I Will that is important in education.
– I like political jokes until they get elected.

•Election Day is November 4.
•Veterans Day is November 11. Veterans Day was first celebrated in the United States in 1954.
•Thanksgiving is November 27.
•Presidents born in November were Warren Harding, James Polk, Franklin Pierce, James Garfield, Zachary Taylor. 
•Congress first met in Washington, D.C. on November 17, 1869.
•Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863.

•From the November 12, 1902 issue of The News-Herald Snellville News Section; “Mrs. J.M. Williams gave a quilting party Wednesday afternoon.”
•The November 5, 1903 issue of The News-Herald: “John H. Oakes has bought the J.O. Brown place near the Baptist Church from J.A. Bagwell for $625. He will build a new livery stable on the apple orchard lot in the rear.”
•On November 7, 1912 Woodrow Wilson was elected President of the United States.
•On November 11 the Armistice signed ending WWI.
•A 1947 issue of the News-Herald gave the following honor graduates from Snellville High School: Ann Biggers Valedictorian; Syble Peters, Salutatorian; Ann Odum, Bette Spence, Laura Baker, Myrna Hewett, Betty Lee Gresham, Deloris Ewing, Bobbie Bentley Tommy Briscoe, James Camp, Freddy McCullers, Jerry Rawlins, Geraldine Smith.

A.A.”Butch” Ayers is the new Gwinnett County Police chief. He replaces Charles Walters who has served as Gwinnett’s Chief of Police since 2003 and has retired from that position.

Grace Carter celebrated her 106th birthday in October. Grace is a resident of Lifecare in Lawrenceville.

Martha Rebecca Stubbs Darsey celebrated her 100th birthday at a reception held on October 11, 2014 at her Ashton Senior Living residence in Lawrenceville.

Santa AKA Charles Sharp comes to Lawrenceville when he is not at his North Pole Home. He served in the US Army during the Korean War. Thanks Santa! Santa Claus AKA Jerry Adams will be volunteering around Gwinnett in December. Jerry is a member of the Lawrenceville Masonic Lodge #131 and he is a great plumber.
The City of Lawrenceville acquired the 4.87 acres of land located at 240 Oak Street from Gwinnett County. The property was the site of Lawrenceville High School and had been the location of church and schools since the town was established.

Lawrenceville Lawn, the park on Luckie Street in Lawrenceville is now open and available for group events. Call the City of Lawrenceville for more information.

The Gwinnett Citizen moved to the Ezzard Building on the southwest corner of the Historic Court square in Lawrenceville during October 2014. The Ezzard Building was originally granted to Nathan L. Hutchins in 1849 when the four corners of the court square were granted to four lawyers with the stipulation that the lawyers maintain a fence around the courthouse in order to keep animals out of the building. The Gwinnett Journal reported in the January 14, 1936 issue: “Dr. W.P. Ezzard has purchased the Hutchins office building on the courthouse square from Mrs. N.L. Hutchins.” The building on the southwest corner was named the Ezzard Building in 1952 and Dr. George Ezzard, the son of Dr. W.P. Ezzard had rooms for the practice of general medicine in the building until his death in 2002. 

Snellville Historical Society President Jim Cofer with October meeting speaker Kathryn Parsons Willis.

Two former Lawrenceville residents Joyce Arnold Wyckoff and Mary Blair Arnold now live in Blairsville, Georgia. Mary Blair once lived on Luckie Street and Joyce lived on North Perry Street Joyce was honored by the Union County Historical Society with a reception marking her ten year tenure as a faithful volunteer for the society. Mary is the President of the Union County Lions Club and she worked with the White Cane project worked with the White Cane project which provided the community an opportunity to share in saving vision by donating to the Union County Lions fund. The fund is to be used for eye surgeries for any Georgia resident unable to afford the cost of eye surgery.

Over 100 Pruitt Family members met in the Phillip Beard room at the Buford Senior Center on Sunday October 12, 2014 for the annual family reunion and a good time was had by all who attended. The food was delicious and fried chicken brought by Phillip Beard was first on the long table laden with food. There were all sorts of vegetables and salads to choose from and no one could have sampled every dish. The dessert table had red velvet cake, pineapple trifle, iced graham crackers, pies and cakes galore. The featured dessert was banana pudding made by Sylvia Beard, Becky Weeks and Pam Taylor, they used directions left by the late Mildred Beard who always provided a huge banana pudding for all family reunions. The banana pudding tradition continues!

The Beta Rho Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society met on Saturday October 18, 2014 at the Grayson Senior Center. President Barbara Willis presided, Marion Allen introduced Louise Radloff who spoke to the members about important initiatives of Gwinnett County public schools. New members initiated at the October meeting were Amelia Haynes, Rachel McConnell and Mallory Sosebee. Louise Radloff was presented an honorary membership in the society. 

The formal opening of Lawrenceville Lawn on the corner of Luckie and South Clayton Streets was held on Saturday October 11, 2014. The park occupies space where the homes of these families were located; Hilliard Cooper, Clarence and Fern Oakes, Frank and Magnolia Blair, the Bennetts, S.C. Brown, the Early Robinson family, Robbie Lee Brown and her parents, the M.V. Frazier family, the Alvin Sammon family, the Byrd family, teacher Mary Stewart and her mother, the Everett family, the Hewatt family, the Thompsons. Luckie Street was a street of homes until the 1950’s when businesses began taking over and the Baptist Church expanded.

The Georgia Association of Elementary School Principals School Bell Award for innovative programs has been awarded to four Gwinnett Schools: The Community Little Free Library Project was awarded to Cooper Elementary, Principal Donna Bishop; The Cover 2 Cover Book Club award to Gwin Oaks Elementary, Principal Tonya Burnley; Excelling Eagles Student Leadership Initiative to Rock Springs Elementary, Principal Penny Clavijo; Kids to College to Roberts Elementary, Principal Dion Jones.

Linda Henderson was selected as the Community Member of 2014 at the Central Gwinnett Cluster Foundation Knight to Remember celebration held on October 21, 2014.
