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The Natural Transformation! Meet the Fractotal Facial

The trend in anti-aging in 2019 is a natural, fresh, rejuvenated look. Although the younger women are enjoying much fuller lips right now, we are seeing a decline in the Hollywood trend of overstuffed cheeks and frozen faces in stars as they reach their 50’s and 60’s.

Chrissy Thomas, RN, Cosmetic Nurse Injector, Anti-Aging Specialist

One of the reasons for this trend is the development of new technology that will actually thicken facial tissue that naturally gets thinner over time. To make the face develop thicker tissue and tighten is truly turning back the clock.

Clients today often have similar concerns. Dull, tired skin with age spots, redness and large pores are common complaints. Drooping cheeks, jowls, and eyes are also in the top ten complaints. Necks are a beast of their own. Thankfully, we have many tools to address and correct these concerns. One of the most effective is the Fractotal Facial.

The Fractotal Facial utilizes two different treatments in a series. Lu-mecca IPL is a laser-like device that uses light therapy to break down brown and red pigment in the skin, decrease pore size and tighten tissue. Fractora is a combination of Microneedling and Radio Frequency that stimulates collagen deep beneath the skin to thicken aging tissue and tighten skin over the face, neck or any other area treated. Clients may experience slight pink skin after Lumecca IPL and will need to avoid makeup for two days after Fractora. Clients need to avoid unprotected sun exposure for a period of time before and after treatments. Typically, there will be a two-week break between each treatment. It is important that clients receive a free consultation before treatment so that we may assess skin type. Lumecca IPL is not indicated for clients with dark skin, but other treatments may be used in substitution. Clients with sensitive skin may notice that the sensitivities get better with treatment. 

The results are incredible and natural. Bright, beautiful skin with a tighter jawline and lifted brows is waiting for you! Give us a call to discuss this and other amazing treatments offered. Remember, you have the right to remain youthful! We look forward to meeting you.

770.935 FACE (3223) or
