The Society of Humane Friends of Georgia

The Society of Humane Friends of Georgia is an animal rescue group located in Lawrenceville which works to save cats and dogs from the streets and euthanizing shelters.  Kay Young, a member of the society, describes the group as: “A 501 C3 group of loving volunteers headed by Dennis Kronenfeld and Chandler Riddett dedicated to helping abandoned and abused animals in the state of Georgia.”  

The society is a nonprofit organization that also functions as a no-kill group, meaning that the animals aren’t put to sleep after being in the “system” for a prolonged period of time.  As Young puts it, “Animal Control shelters will put down animals who are not claimed within a specified time frame‒usually 2 weeks, sometimes after 7 days if the shelter is overcrowded‒this is because county shelters cannot turn any animals away brought to the shelter and rescue groups only take in animals as there are space in foster homes.”  

In addition to the rehabilitation of dogs and cats, the society also provides a low-cost spay and neuter clinic for the Lawrenceville area in order to help assist pet owners in the area.  According to the Society of Humane Friends of Georgia’s website, “SOHFGA opened their low cost spay/neuter clinic in 2007 in response to the overwhelming need for increased spaying and neutering of companion animals.”  Young says the clinic is able to offer lower prices because “we rely on the public’s help in the way of donations. We also run low cost vet clinics which help fund our spay/neuters. Also, we have a group of dedicated vets who volunteer their time to help our animals.”

As for animals in the adoption process, their medical expenses are mainly covered by their adoption fees, once they have found their forever home.  Young says, “The adoption fee covers spay or neuter surgery, appropriate vaccines for dogs and cats that would cover all basic shots including Rabies and heartworm test, it would also cover the heartworm preventative.”

In order for an animal to be adopted, “Potential adopters must fill out an adoption request either online or at the adoption day event,” says Young.  The pet’s foster parent would go on to review the form and then determine whether or not the applicant is a sufficient candidate.  Young continues to say, “A Vet reference is required and that Vet is contacted to determine if the applicant is providing appropriate vet care for the animal. Often times the applicant is interviewed in person or via phone to make sure that it is a good fit for the adopter and the animal. Many dogs require a fenced in back yard, cats are required to be indoor cats.”  

Over the course of a year, the SOHF typically sees around 300 adoptions.  According to Young, “Some animals stay a few weeks, and some stay much longer because of needed medical care.  Some animals are harder to place because of their ‘look.’  For example, larger black dogs are harder to place than smaller, fluffy dogs such as poodles or spaniels.”  However, Young describes all the pets in the care of the society as being “some of the most loving animals.”

Adopting rescue animals is beneficial to owners as well because as Young puts it,”When a person adopts from any rescue group they are getting an animal that has been with a family that knows its personality and what that animal’s habits are,” meaning that all the little quirks of the pet are easier to understand.  Young encourages all to consider adopting a rescue animal, as she says, “I truly believe that they know they’ve been given a second chance at life.”
