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The sun is powerful in so many ways

The sun affects us in so many ways. It lights up a space in your home and at the same time it can wreak havoc on your beloved possessions such as rugs, artwork, and furniture.  

Think of the damaging UV rays as sunburn on your possessions. We know that we must slather on sunscreen to keep our skin from getting burned and damaged. Our homes are no different, but with large windows acting like a magnifying glass, intensifying the already harsh sun and heat. Of course, during different seasons the sun shifts and can become a problem temporarily.

On the positive side, light can affect our mood in a positive way. It’s a scientific fact that lack of sunlight can lead to depression or “the blues.” Susan Donaldson James, a contributor to the Today Show says, “Light also plays a role in mood and sleep problems. We know about seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, which is most common in winter when daylight hours are shorter.” To sum it up, we need lots of light in our lives, but we need to be able to control it in our homes.

I get more calls about sun control than even privacy, except for people moving in to new homes. Just the other day I was in a high-rise in Atlanta. She had 8 windows, side-by-side, floor to ceiling. What a beautiful view of the city, BUT…it was like an oven standing in front of the uncovered windows where the sun had shifted earlier! I was there to replace some brackets, made of plastic, which had degraded over the years from the UV rays. She showed me some old books on a shelf that had faded from the sun.  

What to do in those exposed windows? The answer is different for everyone. There are many factors to consider when making that choice. That’s where we can help you with the right window covering for your specific needs. Don’t wait until your earthly goods are faded. Call Joan at 404 918-5288 for a free consultation or visit
