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The Trades

We live in a time and age where more and more things are becoming automated. There are however a few things that just can't be automated such as a doctor's touch, an electrician installing a new outlet, a plumber clearing a clogged drain, or a mechanic repairing a car. I have friends in all these trades and can say we are all struggling to get our young people interested in the trades.

Eddie Price, Eddie's Automotive Service

A long, long, long time ago when I was in high school, many of my friends were looking to the trades for work. We did not view this as a career it was just something we wanted to do. And at that time we were looked down on because these were viewed to be “loser” jobs. These days the view of this is changing, albeit very slowly. 

The trades are losing skilled tradesmen and women due to retirement. The need for trade services is growing and there are fewer young folks coming into the trades which is driving labor costs up. Businesses are stealing workers from one another. We cannot continue in this direction! If we do you can expect, longer service times, lower quality of service and for sure more expenses.

So, if you have a child that is what I call “handy”, meaning if they possess some kind of mechanical ability, and not much desire to go to college. Please, please, please have them look into the trade industries.

Normally you can enter a trade with 2 years of training, then can apprentice earn as you learn.

We are seeing more often than not it is hard to go to college, earn a degree and then come out in 4 years and start working in their field. Normally training in the trades is much cheaper and closer to home. We are beginning to see financial assistance for training being offered in some trades and hope that this trend continues.

God Bless you and your families,
Stay safe & Stay well,
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