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Three Strands- the ties that bind

Three Strands- the ties that bind
By Katie Hart Smith
Staff Correspondent

After a painful adoptive journey, Stacy Coleman, Three Strands Founder and President, realized there was a great need to provide assistance to the birth mothers during the adoption process.

Three Strands Gift Bag190As a result, she developed a program that focused solely on serving birth mothers in the critical post-placement state.  According to Three Strands, a birth mom is a brave, unsung hero who has made the courageous, selfless choice of choosing life for her child and making an adoption plan to give that child the best possible life at that point in her life journey.  

Three Strands, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that focuses on the needs of the birth mom as they realize their value in the Three Strand cord – birth mother, child, and adoptive mother. Three Strands exists to provide the necessary love and support to the birth mother.

On one end of the spectrum, it is a very joyous time for the adoptive family. However, it can be a very lonely and emotional process for the birth mother. Coleman had a vision for Three Strands. “No birth mom leaves the hospital without a community of support that will honor her choice, help her heal, and equip her with resources that will launch her forward with great promise for the future.”

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12

“Making the decision to place your child for adoption isn’t an easy one to make,” said Jennie Hundley, Executive Director. “I know how it feels because I made the choice seventeen years ago to place my son with adoptive parents. I was in an abusive relationship and was not able to care for him. I think about him every day. Choices are made out of love, the greatest love. I wanted the best for him and I couldn’t provide it to him at the time.” 

Hundley added, “Three Strands launched at Gwinnett Medical Center’s Women’s Pavilion over two years ago, and the program is growing throughout Georgia and has expanded into Tennessee. Initial contact with the birth mother is made with the delivery of a Three Strands gift bag to the hospital after we are contacted by the patient, family, social workers, or adoption attorneys.” 

Three Strands logo190Three Strands has a strategic plan for the organization. A private Facebook community is available for birth mothers, adult adoptees, and adoptive moms to connect and share their stories, advice, and experiences. Three Strands even hosts local quarterly gatherings to encourage fellowship and cultivate community. The organization and volunteers work tirelessly with the hopes of launching Three Strands chapters in states all across the country. Three Strands would even like to see the vision expand by providing transitional housing for birth mothers.

Three Strands is making a difference. “I now have the opportunity to share my story of hope and redemption with other birth moms. I want to help them realize that they are heroes. They do not need to live in shame. I am so thankful for all God has done, and is continuing to do in my life!” Hundley takes great pride in her volunteer work with Three Strands. “It’s important to love the birth moms where they are at, in the space they are in without judgement.”

The decision to place a child into the home of adoptive parents takes great courage, strength, and more importantly, love. 

 “…love is the sum of our choices, the strength of our commitments, the ties that bind us together.” – Author, Emily Giffin

To learn more about Three Strands, Inc., to become a volunteer, or a sponsor/ donor, visit:


