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Top 5 best and worst Mother’s Day gifts

It’s time to shower Mom with appreciation, love and gifts that say, “Thank you and I love you Mom”.

Christine Martinello

After all, we’re talking about the woman who gave you life and raised you to be the person you are today.

We polled moms across America and here’s what moms do and don’t want. Any gift that shows her she is awesome will be a big hit. Be sure to put some time and thought into it.

Top 5 Worst Mother’s Day Gifts – Don’t even go here . . .

1. A TV, lawn mower, new toaster or kitchen gadget.

2. Cheap chocolates from the drugstore.

3. Sunday brunch at the local cafeteria.

4. An ex-husband who doesn’t even send a card. After all, you are still the mother of his children.

5. Having to buy the card and present your husband gives to his mother.

Top 5 Best picks. Go here and you’ll be a big hit!

1. Sleeping in with no interruptions – Sweet ZZzzzzzz .

2. Breakfast in bed complete with smiling kids, flowers and a clean napkin would be nice.

3. The day off – no cooking, no arguing kids, no stress, or cleaning.

4. Coupons – to take care of chores so mom has time later on. Or to make her dinner.

5. A gift from the heart — Handmade cards, finger imprints, pet rocks, etc.

6. A love note, poem or letter telling mom why she’s super.

Treat her like a ‘Queen Mom for the day’. She’s the woman who has taught you practically everything you know about life. One day out of the year honor mom and show her how precious she really is. C’mon, go overboard. She’ll be happy you did and so will you.


By Bob, David, Tina, and Steven Martinello (Poem from ‘The Momager Guide’ book)

Mothers are a special breed.

They spend all day with “I NEED” “I NEED.”

In each act every child makes, Mom has to overlook lots of mistakes. Her loving gaze coaxes and encourages smiles

Through all the tantrums and the trials.

Mom, your job has special rewards. Today, we give you this grand award. Not money, fame or a brand new car, But a love note from the cookie jar. There is no higher calling

than to give yourself away

To the cause of loving us each and every day.

We love you more than life itself

Which you gave us from your very self. And we give you back this heartfelt praise, MOM YOU”RE THE BEST – HIP HIP HOORAYS!!!

Just in case that is still not enough, MOM WE LOVE YOU, and you’re “HOT STUFF.”

©Christine Martinello2004. Book Excerpt from ‘The Momager Guide.’ Christine is recognized as a leading authority in leadership, life balancing, and Momager™ topics. She is founder of the Momager™ Movement, Camp Her Way, a facilitator of‘edutainment’ programs, a sought-after speaker, and best-selling author of The Momager™ Guide: Empowering Moms To Leave A Loving Legacy.
