Trick or treat this year?

Deck the halls with boughs of cobwebs… fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la! You know what that means? Halloween is nearly here once again. 

Everything Ella - Ella Thomas

People sometimes debate when to stop trick-or-treating, so in this article I am going to give you my opinion on the matter. Additionally, I am going to offer some last minute costume ideas.

When trying to decide whether to trick-or-treat or not, my motto is:  ‘just go for it!’ I am in seventh grade and I still hope to trick-or-treat for a while. Some of my favorite memories are from this fun holiday.  Like the time my brother wanted to dress up like a spider, so my mom decided to create a homemade costume for him.   When we went out for the night’s adventure, a couple of the legs ended up falling off.  He wound up being a really funky (and unique) looking spider! 

Halloween is the only night during the year when you can dress up as anything you want and still look relatively sane, so why not do it? Also, you score a lot of candy which is pretty much every kid’s dream!   If you want to switch it up, some fun alternatives to regular neighborhood trick-or-treating are trunk-or-treating and trick-or-treating at stores or at the mall, or even attending a party. 

Halloween is practically my favorite holiday.   Well, I suppose it’s tied with Christmas!  For this holiday my family has many traditions. We decorate the house almost more than we do for Christmas! We decorate both inside and outside, and even have a “Halloween” tree. Our “Halloween” tree is actually just an artificial palm tree that we adorn with spider webs, orange lights, and little skeletons.  BOO!

In addition to these traditions, we always carve pumpkins and roast the seeds. Another special Halloween happening is that my aunt comes from Arizona to visit us on or around Halloween. One other thing we typically do is make caramel apples.  Personally, since I am anti-fruit, I just enjoy eating the caramel off of the apples!

Now for the best part of all, in my opinion, costumes! Out of my twelve years of dressing up for Halloween I can still name every single one of my costumes, from my first to my most recent.  My Halloween costumes have been the following in this order-an angel, Minnie Mouse, a princess, a faerie, Ariel, angel two, Dorothy, a vampire, a witch, a dead bride, the Mad Hatter, and last but not least, a monster. 

One way to come up with costume ideas is to just look at things around the house. Though it may sound a little lame, this technique could give you some really good ideas. Also, instead of thinking about the basics, think above and beyond, you know ‘out of the box’. I was looking online for costumes and I saw some really funny ones that people might never consider.  

They were things like Darla from Nemo, an iPhone, different types of sodas and candies, sushi rolls, a piñata, and many other funny ones. If you plan on spending Halloween with some of your friends, group coordinated costumes might be just the thing for you to consider. Some examples I found on Google are dressing as rock, paper, and scissors, or some of the Pac-man characters, or even different types of condiments, such as catsup, mustard, and pickle relish. The Halloween costume possibilities are endless.  I hope I helped suggest a perfect one for you, or at least got your imagination thinking creatively!

Questions, Comments, or suggestions? Email me at

And that’s everything with Ella! (for now…)   Ella
