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We are going to lead!

We are going to lead!
By NG3 staff

As a new year begins, excitement is in the air. For some, this enthusiasm is for new opportunities, new chances, or the revival of previous commitments in the form of New Year resolutions.  For NG3, there is an undeniable spike in energy and anticipation surrounding two new school directors who have already begun serving in our communities. 

Welcome aboard Daniel Findlay, who is serving at Archer High School, and NG3’s first full-time female director Natalie King, who is serving at Brookwood High School alongside Lawson Hale.  Rather than tell you about these two outstanding individuals who are making an impact in the lives of the Next Generation, I asked them both to share a little about the why, the what, and the how: why they chose to serve through NG3, what they envision for their community, and how they plan on accomplishing these goals.

In the words of Natalie King:

“Working with NG3 is an exciting adventure for me. I am the first female school director to join the team, and I am excited to be leading and guiding female students. I want to be a part of positive change for the next generation. Young people simply need someone to believe in them and encourage them. I believe I can do just that. Working at Brookwood High School, I hope to create long-lasting relationships with the girls and create a space for them to ask hard questions, learn life lessons, build character, and experience the value in serving others. 

Moving into the community, my goal is to find partners who will join me in strengthening and building the future of the Brookwood community.  I also want to get the girls involved in bringing positive change and service to the community. The motto of NG3 is ‘do what you say, serve others, and bring change.’ I hope to be a helpful hand or encouraging spirit or kind servant to the community as I join the NG3 team at Brookwood. To accomplish this, I need the community. I need your prayers that God will guide and direct the steps of NG3. I need a team of volunteers to work with me to connect in all areas of the community, to lead small groups and invest in the girls.  Finally, I need your financial support to make this a reality. The time and gifts of the community are key components to making the motto ‘do what you say, serve others, and bring change’ come to life.”

In the words of Daniel Findlay:

“In today’s age, teens are bombarded with messages of conformity and mediocrity. It’s in the music they listen to and broadcast on the television they watch. My desire to join NG3 is because of the life changing work we do to combat and uproot those negative seeds.  As the new NG3 Director at Archer High School, my goal is to dive into the trenches of life with coaches and student athletes, instilling the character it takes to come out unscathed. 

We believe that good character impacts communities and brings change. We are committed to building relationships and investing time into the lives of student athletes. I’m excited about the opportunity to positively influence young men and women in both academics and athletics.  We’re going to serve, we’re going to lead, we’re going to have a tangible presence in our community. Go Tigers!”

Having heard directly from these two inspiring leaders, if there is a new excitement for our communities and the promising potential for meaningful impact on the Next Generation, don’t sit on the sidelines and idly watch. Get in the game!  Whether you have an interest in reaching out to Daniel at Archer or Natalie at Brookwood, please contact NG3 at  Both new directors have big plans for going deep and reaching wide but cannot succeed without  other like-minded individuals getting involved.

Interested in finding out more about what NG3 is doing to make a difference in the Next Generation or how you can help? Go to NG3 is a non-profit 501(c)3 independently funded by donors like you!!

P.O. Box 1429
Snellville, GA 30078

NG3 stands for Next Generation: Character  Community  Change.  Their goal is to develop men and women of character to create a positive change in our communities.  NG3 works directly with student athletes in high schools, teaching and practicing the importance of strong core values like responsibility, humility, integrity and honesty. The staff of NG3 works along side the coaches providing a constant presence of reliability and service.
