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We can do better

There is so much divisiveness in today’s society and it appears to be worsening. 

Many of us have strong opinions. At what point should we let these opinions begin to erode our ability to be civil to family members, neighbors, or other human beings? Can we really agree to disagree? 

We need to find peace, civility, and respect for one another. It starts with each and every one of us at home. Let’s be the change in our communities, country, and the world. This isn’t about politics. Each one of us can make a difference to choose better. Be respectful. Listen. Share your opinion civilly without insulting others. We all can learn from one another.

Remember, there are always three sides to a story. Yours. Theirs. And somewhere in the middle probably lies the truth. Find common ground and work together.

We love and respect each and everyone one of you.

Pass it on. 
Auveed Bagheri-Cawthon
Co-Publisher & Co-Editor | Gwinnett Citizen
