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You Have the Right to Remain Youthful

Ever since I entered the cosmetic industry in 1996, I have been watching people age.  When I say I have been watching, I mean I have had a front row seat.

Chrissy Thomas, RN, Cosmetic Nurse Injector, Anti-Aging Specialist

 It was clear to me at 26 years of age that there were factors that influenced aging and I had a desire to learn all that I could about that process.  Back in those days, I was a nurse in an operating room suite.  My position was to monitor sedation while patients were having facelift procedures.  However, my job while not in the surgical suite was to offer skin care consultations to all clients, both surgical and non-surgical, in our practice.  

As time went on, and the surgeons I worked with decided to retire, I was fortunate to be able to open my own business, About Face Skin Care, with 25 of the existing clients from our practice.  Roughly half of the clients who followed me to my practice were surgical clients who were trying to maintain their facelift results, while the other half had no desire to have a surgical intervention.  Nearly two-thirds of these clients are still About Face Skin Care customers to this day.  This very special group has taught me a lot about aging well.  Now, with a 6,000-person database, my knowledge of the world of anti-aging has grown vastly.

Remaining youthful means….

Keeping a Positive Attitude – We all change with time. At times, it seems that we see a new sag or wrinkle every morning when we face the mirror. Maintaining a positive attitude and having patience with our aging selves allows for maturing with grace.  Think about actress Helen Mirren.  She has aged, but her confidence in her appearance makes her a “10” in her 70’s.

Exfoliating with the Pros – I noticed very early on that the clients who saw me for regular, professional exfoliation usually had a glowing complexion.  Of course, there are many methods of home care exfoliation and companies that promise excellent results with home based tools and products, but nothing compares to the effective methods used by professionals.  Methods such as Dermaplaning, Hydrafacial MD, and chemical peels remove stubborn dry, dead skin cells revealing fresh skin beneath.  This is important to maintain as natural skin shedding slows down in our older years and skin requires external help to maintain that light reflective glow.  Home based products and services can often cause inflammation, tears in the skin, and do more harm than good.  Leave this to the professionals!

Don’t be a Fan of Tan – Thankfully, very tan skin has become very out of style.  Exposing skin to harmful UV rays, whether in the natural sun or in tanning beds, accelerates aging and “crinkled” skin.  As melanin production is affected, brown spots (aka liver spots or age spots) become evident over the face and limbs.  The earlier we learn to protect skin with safe sun protection, the better we age.  I have used and sold Elta MD Sunblock products for fifteen years on myself and on my family.  With their wide range of sun protection products, Elta MD earns its reputation as the best in the business.    

Correct Skin Discoloration Issues
– Whether your issue is redness or brown splotches, uneven color of the skin is aging.  Again, home based products and tools may cause more harm than good.  Meet with a professional, such as About Face Skin Care, to find out how to address redness and brown spots with IPL or LED light therapy, or with some of our wonderful products.  

Restore Lost Volume in your Face – We naturally lose volume in our face with time.  This volume loss may lead to jowls, under eye hollows, pancake lips, sad mouth, and flabby necks.  Seeing a professional like the nurses at About Face Skin Care can turn back the clock a few years.  The key to enjoying volume replacement in the face is to seek a professional who will restore lost volume naturally so that no one realizes you had treatment.  Natural volume replacement should be done with a trusted provider.  We would love to see you for a free consult to discuss your concerns.

Keep Moving – Exercise is the number one anti-ager.  It does not have to be marathon running, but maintaining some regular exercise helps with maintaining glowing skin, managing weight, socializing, sleep quality, and decreasing risks of age related illnesses.  About Mind and Body, our fitness boutique, is located within About Face Skin Care and offers a full schedule of classes for all fitness levels.  Our clients enjoy personal fitness evaluations with our Program Manager, free events such as guest speakers, community concerts and plays and other fun experiences such as sip and paints, wine tasting events and more.  At $49.99 per month for all of this, members feel this is a great value.

Be Nice to Yourself – Studies have proven, when you hear negative words, you feel negative.  This even applies to the voice in your head.  Calling yourself “old”, “wrinkled”, “out of shape”, “fat” or any other negative words can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy. Each of us is beautiful when we realize it.  

Remember, you have the right to remain youthful.  Do you need help getting back on the youthful track?  Give us a call!  We offer free consultation appointments to discuss your concerns and explore our treatment options.  

About Face Skin Care and About Mind and Body are located at 1569 Janmar Road behind Lowes on Scenic Highway.  770-935-FACE (3223)
