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May 31, 2013


Grassroots Georgia Manufacturing Expo to Promote Statewide Job Growth

gamanufacturingexpoThe first Georgia Manufacturing Expo will be held at the Gwinnett Civic Center on June 8. It will be hosted by Networking MFG and the Georgia Manufacturing Alliance, a new grassroots movement that seeks to connect Georgia manufacturing brands to the strong demographic of Georgia business and individual consumers who want to support job growth and locally manufactured products with their purchases.

Mandy Snell

Feeling Nostalgic

I have been feeling very nostalgic for the past few weeks. It started when I heard the disheartening news of our beloved friend Jamie Britt. When I learned that Hospice would be at his home…. and then he lost his battle with that awful disease, cancer. It just put things into perspective. During this time I was very thankful for the social forum Facebook, SO many of us kept in contact with each other getting updates on Jamie (Britt).