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October 10, 2018

Carol Wood

Strategies for Taking Subjective or Essay Tests

Essay tests can be a great way for a student to earn grade points because essays present an opportunity for him/her to tell everything they know about a subject and to earn points while doing so. If a student knows a lot about the subject, the essay is a place to shine!

Dr. David B. Casey

Peripheral Artery Disease

Are you experiencing leg pain?
Leg pain comes in many shapes and sizes. It can be dull and aching or sharp and stabbing. Even tightness and tingling leg pain can be quite uncomfortable.

Tim Golden, BrightStar Care

Ask the Senior Care Expert | Warning Signs of Stroke

Do you know what the leading cause of adult disability in the United States is? The title of this article gives you the answer. Stroke is also the fourth leading cause of death. Although most common in the elderly, it affects many younger people as well.

Leigh McIntosh

How Rotary enhances economic and community development

Those of you living in Gwinnett for decades have had an opportunity to see sweeping changes. As a child, I remember Gwinnett County as primarily rural. On a visit to Scotland long ago, I was asked what my property in America had been before my house was there and I realized that I lived on forested land that had never been developed.

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

Estate Planning | Plan Now To Reduce Uncertainty

“Trick or treat” rings out every Halloween as children go door to door hoping for their favorite candy. My kids love sorting the candy at the end of the night and finding surprises in their candy haul.

Katie Hart Smith

The Art of Hospitality

Has the pleasurable experience of eating and dining out become extinct? In this fast-paced society of ready-to-eat meals and instant gratification, are we losing touch with the art of hospitality in our culture? Are we taking time to relish each other’s company and conversation when we break bread together?