Have a wonderful 2015!

Brand new year! Yay!! I hope this finds everyone healthy and happy. The holidays can be an emotional time. When were kids it was all about lights, presents and Santa. It still can be for us young at heart. But we seem to find ourselves, as adults, rushing around and hurrying to get EVERYTHING DONE! And really... ‘the reason for the season’ sometimes gets lost.

I sat one day starring at my Christmas tree and listening to Mitch Miller and remembering my past Christmas! Brings a smile to my face every time. There were a few sad ones, like the first one without my daddy and when Chad was in the hospital. But all in all, a joyous and wonderful occasion. 

I was at home on New Year’s Eve with my husband and my dog and collards already cooking. 🙂  I was thrilled to be right here. At the stroke of midnight when everyone kisses their loved one (s) and then begin singing “Auld Lang Syne”… I thought to myself, I don’t even really know the words to this song OR what it means!  lol. So, I looked it up. Auld Lang Syne is Scottish for Old Long Ago, and ‘a cup o’ kindness’ is a drink that men and women shared. It is, I guess, basically saying ‘out with the old & in with the new’. However, it always makes me cry… 

With that being said, I really hope and pray that each and everyone of you have a wonderful 2015!! I know I am going to do my very best to make it a great one by continuing to make memories with my family and friends. 

Before I go, I would like to pay a small tribute to our friend Stan Anderson. He loved the almighty ‘word’ as I do and he proved that each day with his witty and sharp comments on FB. You will be missed, sir. Rest in Peace.

Mandy Snell is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about growing up in Snellville and its history. Have any ‘Growing up in Snellville’ stories to share? Comment below!
