It’s all peanut, all the time for Gwinnett preschoolers

Coach, Team Mom, and Parents Believe Everyone Is Winner on Brookwood's Peanut Dodgers Team Lawrenceville, GA- An old familiar advertising campaign states, "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't."

The Fall 2014 Peanut Dodgers of Brookwood Baseball's League are the heart of the homerun, according to parents, family, and friends. Pictured with volunteer Coach Scott Waller, volunteer Team Mom Melissa Henderson (third and fourth from left), proud parents, and friends.

That being said, the eight members of the Peanut Dodgers Team of Brookwood’s Baseball Peanut League always feel like a nut – a peanut, that is. Coached by volunteer Scott Waller of Gwinnett County and nurtured by volunteerTeam Mom Melissa Henderson of Gwinnett County, everyone is a winner on the Peanut Dodgers Team. But there is more to this team of three and four year olds than their Saturday and Sunday games which happened to be followed by snacks and juice boxes. Sports can help with the social and physical development of children, notes researchers, as these types of activities get children exercising and interacting with their peers.

Further, when preschool-aged children participate in sports, it can help with the development of their motor skills while focusing on fun as the main goal. Speaking of fun, the Peanut Dodgers Team is a fun bunch indeed. They are winding down a season of memories that will last a lifetime. As previously stated, “Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.” But the Peanut Dodgers Team of Brookwood’s Baseball Peanut League always feel like a nut – a peanut, that is!

Congratulations to:
Jude Bastedo, #3
Tripp Durant, #10
Jonathon (JoJo) Lopez, #1
Ishmail Shareef, #4
Jasmin Teran, #45
Walden Thompson, #11
Zoey Waller, #12
Wyatt West, #8
