The Archer community is united

With the start of the school year over effectively a cool ease settles in at Archer High School.

Drew Patterson

The start of every school year always brings tension, however, the students enjoyed a week of spirit in anticipation for their homecoming dance. The participation in these events is an example how the students rally behind a strong school spirit. The Archer football team is one of the sources of constant support from both the student body and parents alike. With playoffs on the horizon, the student section is constantly growing in number. 

The athletic program at Archer has been doing noticeably well this year with both girl’s volleyball and softball going well into the regional competition. Along with this many clubs have exceeded in their competitions as well. The drama club just recently won an award for a school production which the group performed. Similarly, the Marching Band placed third and received an overall rating of excellent due to the performance of their halftime show. Many other sports and organizations have just started preparations for their season so it can be expected to hear more about these soon.

The students at Archer have been displaying amazing school spirit and unity in the wake of all the conflict that the school has seen in the past month. Throughout the last week of October, students participated in school promoted activities with the overarching theme, Archer United. The students at Archer have shown great acceptance of each other and provide an example of what people can accomplish when they work as one, as a community.

Halfway through the first semester Archer is still giving one of the highest numbers of AP students and is looking forward to these students gaining credit on their exams come May. The classes at Archer are difficult, but only in an attempt to improve its students to a greater level of achievement that their predecessors were not able to achieve. Students are constantly encouraged to try their hardest and to achieve to the best of their ability which creates a learning environment to which anyone can grow in.

As the air is growing cooler the community of the Archer Tigers is coming together. Many service clubs have been starting their group volunteer activities. Just recently the Beta club at Archer put on a trick or treat program where people came together to help each other and celebrate something most kids will remember for well into life. Along with this the National Honor Society at Archer has just inducted its newest members and is sure to start making contributions to bettering the community. With winter in sight, the people of Archer are looking hopeful.

Drew Patterson is a junior at Archer High School.
