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Archer High School

Mario Hill, Darren Domercant and Patrick Lyons

Off to a good start

Every start to the school year seems special. However, the 2017-2018 year kicked it up a notch with, for some, a once in a life time phenomenon, the Solar Eclipse. Schools all over the county celebrated in a variety of ways.

Stephen, his dad and all seven of his children on the patio at Johnnys

Johnny’s Pizza at Sugarloaf – a family affair

Stephen Burge is a family man, and his “family” extends beyond his wife and seven children. The former chemistry and physics teacher bought the Johnny’s Pizza located on Sugarloaf Parkway in December 2015. He’s proud of the fact that his employees include some of his own children and a couple of former Archer high school students.

NG3 Staff

Achieving goals with three C’s

Finally, the day for which everyone has been preparing has arrived.  All the weights lifted, the gassers run, and sweat drenched t-shirts have led to this moment.  The stadium seats are filled with screaming fans as the beat from the drum section of the band pounds through the air.

Photo by Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography

Gwinnett’s character

I understand that change is good and inevitable but who would have thought that the classic 1975 “Land Shark” pose would be nearly extinct 40 years later.  Kudos are due to the 2015 Grayson High School Lacrosse Seniors Boys for heading a revival of this concept.

NG3 Staff

Experience NG3

Spring is finally here! The flowers are blooming, the clouds of pollen are clearing, and the school year is only a few exams from being completed. Every-thing seems to be a little brighter as the day starts earlier and ends later, and it’s not just the weather that seems to be looking up. NG3 has a number of reasons to be excited; community service projects, an inau-gural banquet, a message confirming the need for NG3, and more doors of opportunity to name a few.

Photo by Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography

Trump this

I will forever think of fall 2013 as the time when I realized that for all the blessings I was born with: great family, an unforgettable singing voice and the ability to NEVER sun burn, I was ripped off by  having short legs.

Central Gwinnett High School 2013-2014 Football

One bit of advice


Now that my first batch of grandchildren is embracing the first stirrings of Patriotism, I very recently wrote, directed and produced a 3 act play that lasted under 10 minutes, even counting the 2nd act musical number from”Little Mermaid.” I had standards: