Our best tool for Rejuvenation? YOU

I have seen a lot of changes in the field of anti-aging in my 22 years of working on the inside. The beginning of my career was focused on surgical facelifts and complete skin ablation with lasers. While these are still popular services among some consumers, a majority of those seeking treatments to keep them looking youthful are looking for options that provide more natural results with little to no downtime.

Chrissy Thomas, RN, Cosmetic Nurse Injector, Anti-Aging Specialist

When using PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient, as is done when having bloodwork done. The test tube is then put in a centrifuge that will separate the red blood cells from the platelet-rich plasma. The red blood cells are not needed in the treatment, only the golden colored plasma. The same concept is used in orthopedics. Our clients are often familiar with this treatment because they had it done on an elbow to treat “tennis elbow” or a knee that has become inflamed over time.

Before (left) and After (right)Before (left) and After (right)The point of PRP is that it can heal the body with the best medicine out there- your own plasma. When the blood product is spun in the centrifuge, the remaining plasma is concentrated more than it was prior to the process. When the plasma is injected back into the body, it is rich with growth factor and will help the area treated rejuvenate in amazing ways. In joints, inflammation is decreased, and new blood vessels create a healthier (and hopefully pain-free) knee or elbow. When using PRP for hair restoration, hair follicles are stimulated to stop shedding, hair will become thicker and new hair will begin to grow.

One of the best treatments I have used in my practice is the PRP Facelift. This treatment was dubbed the Vampire Facelift by its creator when the Twilight series of movies were popular. A client who chooses this service may expect restoration of the facial shape, smoothing of tissue under the eyes, decreased pore size, a decrease in brown and red pigment in the skin, and an improved texture on the skin surface. The overall result turns the clock back on clients of all ages several years.

When having the PRP (Vampire) Facelift, clients are numbed topically for thirty minutes. A small amount of blood is drawn and processed in the centrifuge. The entire treatment takes about thirty minutes and clients are surprised that there are minimal discomfort and downtime. There may be some puffiness as the PRP is fluid in consistency and takes about 24 hours to reabsorb into the tissue. It takes two weeks to start noticing some changes in the surface of the skin, and the real changes are noticed at about eight weeks. Clients enjoy this result for nine to twelve months.

In today’s world of high tech treatments, we are thrilled that one of the best outcomes in our field comes from the client. If you are interested in this or any of our other products or services, give us a call for a FREE consultation. About Face Skin Care is located at the intersection of Janmar and Scenic Highway 124 in Snellville. Call 770-935- FACE (3223) or visit us online at www.aboutfaceskin.com. We look forward to meeting you!
