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Rev. Robert Thompson

“Giving Thanks; a Spiritual Exercise”

The Season of Thanksgiving is upon us. We will be encouraged just to “be thankful” and just “give thanks,” but to whom and for what? Being thankful necessitates several things; the first is that there is a need, the second is that the need is supplied and lastly, giving thanks to the one responsible for responding to the need, supplying relief.

Rev. Robert Thompson

October Fest

October is one of my most favorite times of the year, the changing from Summer to Fall. All the changes that take place are just beautiful to me. The temperature moderates. There is a bite in the air in the morning.

What are your life goals?

I’m speaking this weekend to around 300 college students at a Campus Outreach Fall Retreat in Ocoee, Tennessee. I love college students because they are so full of energy and extremely idealistic.

“Hey. Are You Standing on a Rug?”

The changing world through the events of the day is before us like never before. Technology has made it possible to watch the world change literally as it is happening anywhere in the world.

Finding Real Meaning and Purpose in Life

The Old Testament Book of Ecclesiastes is a difficult one to understand. Most scholars believe that King Solomon is the author. King Solomon writes the Song of Songs as a young adult, which is a great read for married couples. He writes the bulk of Proverbs as a middle-aged adult, and it is so full of wisdom from God.

Rev. Robert Thompson

“To Serve Somebody”

“The Sermon on the Mount” covered in the Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5-7, is one of the most comprehensive materials we have of Jesus’ teaching. I would encourage you to spend some real time reading and meditating on these three chapters.

Glory Days

Have you heard people talk about the good ole days or the glory days? When someone talks about the glory days, he is typically reminiscing a fond memory of the past.

More Than You Can Imagine

I am an extremely positive and optimistic person. No matter what the situation, I always think it will work out with a best-case scenario. I definitely see the glass half-full.

Follow the Cloud

 In Exodus 13 the Israelites are between a rock and a hard place. Actually, they are stuck between the shores of the Red Sea and the Egyptian Army. God used Moses to lead the Israelites out of captivity in Egypt where they were slaves for hundreds of years.