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What is real love?

What is real love? There are so many different kinds of love, and there are so many different levels of love. Many of us love food. This is evident in my 200-pound frame. I talk about food so much during my sermons that church members bring me food on Sunday.

How Do You View God?

How do you view God? There are so many misconceptions about God. God is not a “genie in a bottle”. Our wish is not his command. God is not a “Santa Claus God” who simply exists to bring us good gifts. God is not a “911 God” who we only call when we have an emergency and need him to extinguish a major problem in our lives. God is not an “old man in the sky” who sounds like Morgan Freeman. God is not a “cosmic cop” who flies around the world looking to punish those who break his rules.

Christmas 2017, May it be Your Best Christmas Ever!

When Christmas Season comes around we should be reminded of the glorious scene in the dead of night before a group of shepherds watching their flock. Wonder if we knew this time was our last Christmas as we know it. Would we treat it any differently? Would it mean any more to us this time?

Parental Insomnia (Part 3) | More Is Caught Than Taught

The first step in overcoming our parental fears is to give it to God. The second building block is to be the parent that God has called us to be. Last month, we talked about focusing on God. Today, I want us to focus on ourselves. I do not mean we need to focus on ourselves selfishly. Like, we need to pamper ourselves with manis, pedis, and full body massages. I mean we need to focus on our personal growth and development.

Parental Insomnia (Part 2) Give it To God

 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

The first step, or building block, in overcoming our parental fears is to give them to God.  We need to trust God with our kids.  I know that sounds simple.  I know it seems like the classic Sunday School answer.  

Parental Insomnia | Overcoming the Fears That Keep Parents Awake at Night Part 1

Being a parent is one of the greatest joys in life, and at the same time, it is one of the greatest responsibilities.  I will never forget the day that we brought our first-born home from the hospital.  He was three days old.  We were so excited that God had blessed us with a son.  He was the answer to our prayers.

Jonathan Howes

Peaks and Valleys

There are seasons in our Christian lives when we go through dry times. There are times when we are depressed, discouraged, disappointed or even have doubts in our faith in God. The Christian life is full of peaks and valleys, highs and lows.

Rev. Robert Thompson

The Great American Eclipse of 2017

“The Great American Eclipse of 2017” made its way across the nation. What does it mean? Scripture tells us that God made two great lights and the stars on the fourth day. They were created for signs and seasons for days, years and to give light upon the earth. (cf. Genesis 1:14-19)

Jonathan Howe

Go On A Short-term Mission Trip

Have you ever been on a short-term mission trip? If not, you should go. Seriously. Put it on your bucket list. Going to another country on a short-term mission trip is a life-changing experience. Actually, it will change your life, the person who goes.