
Dave Emanuel | Cut To The Chase

Proposed Waste Transfer Station- Noise, Odors Degraded Livability

If you think locating a waste transfer station in a residential area is a bad idea, you might want to look at a few facts.

At this point, you’re probably thinking, “Oh, here we go. This guy is going to try to convince me that it’s not a bad idea to have a noisy, stinking waste transfer station in my neighborhood. Read on. You just might be in for a surprise.

Dave Emanuel | Cut To The Chase

Student Development “LEAADS” to Success

Karen Foote had had enough. Fourteen years in law enforcement had brought her face to face with the devastation children face when a parent is taken to jail. And she had also found that the reason one parent or both parents were absent didn’t matter; children living in single parent or no parent households all too often don’t have the direction and support they need to be successful in school- and in life.

Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

We Earned the Happy!!

Well, reality has hit. James turned 37, and as we were celebrating, he informed me in 3 years he would be 40.

As his Mama, that was bit of a shock. I still think of him as 7. In 17 days I will be 70 years old.

Katie Hart Smith

The Gift

On just an ordinary day, has someone ever taken you by surprise and given you an unexpected extraordinary gift?

Bill York

I saw a fox

It was a flame-colored young fox that caught my attention. I have only seen a few while hunting in Georgia. It was running in a ditch alongside the road.

Dave Emanuel | Cut To The Chase

County Voters Say No to MARTA, Not Transit

New York City’s subway system opened in 1904 and underwent a major expansion in 1908. At the time, heavy rail was the only affordable form of transportation, other than walking.

Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

Hey Y’all | Kicking off your heels

It has been another one of those weeks. I have no social life, but my calendar is always full. This past week it was funerals and funeral home visits. Three services in two days. I noticed something about the women who were in attendance. The younger the females are, the higher the heels.

Katie Hart Smith


What defines you? The labels in the clothes you wear? The kind of car you drive? Do you tend to slide down the slippery slope of materialism and let stuff define your worth? Or, do you prefer to take a more practical and realistic approach to see stuff for what it is?