Our Words to the Senior Class of 2018

As we graduate another class of incredibly talented young skin care patients (aka- high school seniors), we want to pass along a few words of wisdom that we have learned along the way.

Chrissy Thomas, RN, Cosmetic Nurse Injector, Anti-Aging Specialist

1. Bad relationships, like a bad Botox treatment, are not quickly forgotten. Make sure you take the time to find someone worthy of your attention like your Mom did when she interviewed 14 practices before asking us to help with your blemishes.

2. Too much food, drink, and playtime can be a bad thing. Just like lip fillers, everything is better in moderation.

3. Mom and Dad didn’t pay money to teach you how to care for your skin just to let you go to college and forget your good habits. Wash your face before bed, get some sleep, and eat well.

4. Some people still think it is attractive to get really tanned. It is not. Skin cancer is real. Wrinkles are real. Don’t encourage either one.

5. Some things are safer left covered. Food at a picnic, for example. Also, your booty. Never expose either without caution.

6. Wash your pillowcases, make-up brushes, and anything else that touches your face weekly. See #3.

7. Call Mom. She has worried about your every need for 18 years. She would like to hear what a good job she did every once in a while when her happy college student checks in.

8. Make great memories. These years are some of the best with new experiences and friends at every turn. Enjoy to the fullest.

9. Take some photos, not just selfies. When you turn 50, you will want to see what you were looking at when you were hunkered down and smiling with 20 other friends.

10. Congratulations! We are SO very proud of each and every one of you and we will miss you terribly.

11. Stop in when you are home for the weekend. (Just in case #3 isn’t keeping your skin clear!)

Love and best wishes to all seniors and the families who got them where they are today. May the future be so bright you need extra SPF!

From your family at About Face Skin Care
