Cheryl’s Adventure – Mirror Mirror on the wall


Mirror, mirror on the wall, how will I look when I'm BALD? 

About eight weeks ago when the doctor hit me with the words you've got breast cancer, the first thing I said was, I’m going to Disney World, and not, I’m going to be bald!   

Cheryl CopelandIt wasn’t the most common response given to a cancer diagnosis, but I’m a true believer that every cancer treatment should always begin with a full week’s dose of the Magical Kingdom and as an unpaid advertiser, I wish everyone that was diagnosed with cancer could do the same. 

After hearing my cancer results, my family made the trip to Florida. We made those magical memories and, for the entire trip, our complete focus was on having fun and loving each other.  We laughed loud, long and as much as we could!

Laughing, it turns out, is one of the easiest ways to boost your immune system.  Medical research gives thousands of examples on how laughter helps to heal health issues, cancer being one of them. 

With that said, it came as no surprise that when we unpacked from our trip and told our children about our next adventure with cancer and their first question was, “Mommy, is your hair going to fall out?”   

I’m grateful that God blessed me with a sense of humor and a positive outlook on life.

My answer to that first question: “I promise you, girls, whatever happens, we are going to make it fun, and if the medicine Mommy takes makes her hair fall out, we’ll cut it, style it and shave it all off!”  Two of the biggest smiles you could ever imagine spread across my girl’s faces just before they began shouting out idea after idea of what to do with my hair and what followed next was priceless.  It was the sound of uncontrolled laughter!  

And so I say, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, here I am! It’s me, I’m bald!”  And then I laugh!  And don’t worry, you can too!

Cheryl Copeland is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about life’s lessons and her personal adventure with breast cancer. 
