Good sports and the importance of important

My view from the “bleachers” this month brought so many wonderful options to write about. A couple of great folks stood out this month. One person represented what it means to get involved and be a good sport and the other showed that even in the face of adverse conditions, keeping your sense of self is crucial. This column could never run dry. Choosing is the hard part.

Beth Volpert

While the local “parent network” certainly knew Mr. Pugh, principal at Bay Creek Middle, was going to land at Grayson HS leaving the leadership spot open, not everyone knew who would replace him. Dr. Maggie Fehrman settled her coffee cup at her desk and then proceeded to go about finding out what needed to be done. Being the “new kid” at a school is no easy task and finding your way means getting involved. Dr. Fehrman really got involved when she committed to supporting the band program. Somehow, Band Director Hardin managed to talk Dr. Fehrman into participating in the Spring Fundraiser…by taking pies to the face! When Dr. Fehrman gets involved, she really gets involved and gives new meaning to the phrase, “Good Sport!”

Jalynn  Brannon and her prom date 

Unexpectedly, our view one night changed drastically as we watched our neighbor’s house go up in flames at suppertime. As far as emergencies go, this one could have been so much worse. With family visiting from out of state, the house was packed and no one expected to be rushed out in a panic. Neighbors came from all around and the fire department managed to put out the flames without anyone being hurt. A few hours later, when the smoke cleared, the fire chief told each family member to go inside quickly and get the most important items-those things they needed. The eldest daughter, Jalynn Brannon, who is known for enjoying her life with friends and family, is a senior on Grayson’s varsity cheerleading squad and is thought to be friendly, outgoing and most likely to succeed in many areas, squared her shoulders, walked into the house and emerged with…her prom dress! Seems that the next weekend was prom and her dress was going to rock the dancefloor at Fernbank. And, as it turns out, the dress was only the outside adornment of the real gem inside. You see, that next weekend, her friends voted her prom queen and you certainly need an outstanding dress for that kind of night.                                                  
